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Morning habits that help to improve health and productivity

Since the beginning of my journey, I have always found success to be fascinating, and I have often wondered how successful people manage to stay focused and ahead of the game. Then, after listening to a summary of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and beginning to read the book, I understood that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some morning routines that have helped me be more productive and maintain good physical and mental health.


Sleep well the night before

Getting a good night's sleep the night before is crucial for your health and productivity. The Mayo Clinic recommends that adults sleep for a minimum of seven hours every night. It can bolster your immune system, elevate your mood, and strengthen your heart, among other health benefits. You might try limiting your screen time to get to bed earlier. It is advised to stop using social media and turn on the TV at least an hour before going to bed. Prepare your bedroom early to be cool and dark, which will help speed up the process of falling asleep by training your brain that it is time to sleep the moment you enter. Likewise, limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine can take up to 10 hours to completely leave your body. Caffeine should be avoided 6 to 8 hours before bedtime.

Do not use the phone the moment you wake up.

When you check your phone as soon as you wake up, you not only divert your attention but also create the conditions for further distraction throughout the day. You will see that even though you may think that it will only take you five minutes to scroll through your Instagram feed or respond to messages, you often end up wasting so much time that you have to rush to get ready for the day. Your brain's ability to set priorities may be impacted by using your phone first thing in the morning. It has the capability to make you feel more stressed and anxious. You can substitute withreading, exercising, and practicing meditation for this bad habit. Journaling while consuming a podcast preparing a healthy breakfast. Communicating with your spouse or children Planning your writing day Setting your priorities Having the objective of making a coffee cup Then, instead of checking your smartphone in the morning, choose one or more of these activities to follow.

Drink a glass of water.

About 60% of your body is made up of water. Each tissue and organ in your body needs it to function properly. Drink some water right away to help your body rehydrate after waking up. You'll eat fewer calories throughout the day if you drink water before breakfast. Memory loss and difficulty learning new information are both strongly correlated with dehydration. Drinking water after waking up improves cognitive function. What I would advise is to put a glass of water next to the bed so that when you wake up, you can drink it before getting out.

Meditate for a minimum of 10 minutes.

I personally practice it every day, whether I'm going to work or not, because it has changed my perspective and improved my health. It has the power to elevate your mood throughout the day. By requiring you to examine them, it raises your awareness and enables you to better comprehend and disengage from your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It enables you to better control your negative thoughts and grow more appreciative of your happy moments. It calms your nerves and promotes relaxation. It reduces stress and worry. It lowers cortisol levels, improves blood circulation, slows breathing and heart rate, and promotes relaxation. Ten minutes is a great place to start. Once you feel comfortable, you can gradually extend the duration of the session to whatever works best for you.

Exercise for 30 minutes.

I think it is obvious why we should exercise three to five times per week, but what I will discuss is why we should exercise in the morning. One of the main benefits of exercising first thing in the morning is the decrease in distractions. Calls and messages are less likely to divert you in the morning because you are up earlier. The cortisol hormone is at its highest in the morning, which can increase alertness. A morning workout might better match the hormonal changes in your body. It increases your overall energy, boosts your mood, sharpens your focus, uplifts your spirits, encourages weight loss, and has many other beneficial health effects.

Have a great breakfast.

Breakfast is frequently referred to as "the most important meal of the day" for a reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fast. While replenishing your glucose supply to boost your energy and alertness, it also supplies other essential nutrients required for good health. As a result, your overall level of energy increases. Breakfast accounts for a sizable portion of your daily total nutrient intake. Actually, those who eat breakfast are more likely to get the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals than those who skip it. Your mental clarity could be improved. It supports the control of weight. A balanced breakfast is highly recommended by nutritionists because it will provide your body with the nutrients it needs each day.

Have a cold shower.

If you can, take a cold or cool shower; or else, take a warm shower, then move to a cold shower. It awakens you and calms your itchy skin. ItIncreased blood flow, oxygen intake, post-workout soreness, potential weight loss, glowing skin, and alertness are all benefits. It Endorphins, or "happiness hormones," are also present in greater quantities. This effect causes feelings of optimism and well-being. Additionally, it enhances blood circulation and metabolism while assisting in the prevention of common illnesses.


In conclusion

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but the habits I personally follow have had a significant positive impact on my productivity, outlook, and mental and physical health. If you are not taking care of the physical and mental health, having a great to-do list and calendar is useless. Take care of your body and mind, and the rest will take care of itself. I'll initiate a challenge: Try it for 30 days straight and judge the results for yourself. Please get in touch with me if you're up for the challenge; I'll be there to help and hold you fully accountable for the routine.

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